Thursday, June 9, 2011


So, Patrick and I are in the midst of a conflict that we really wish was not happening.  I truly believe that the real crux of the issue has more to do with a difference in beliefs than anything else.  Patrick and I are believers, but those we are in conflict with are not.  This presents quite the problem!  I think as Christians, we don't stop to think about how the Holy Spirit works in us- and allows us to see things that otherwise we wouldn't see- and know things we otherwise wouldn't know.  One of the problems that Patrick and I have discussed at length is that the people we are in conflict with hear what we say, but don't listen or understand.  They think they get it, but they are completely missing it!  How can you explain that?  Until I found this verse last night:

"Go to this people and say,
'You will be ever hearing but never understanding:
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
For this people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.'"
Acts 28:  26-27

Paul spoke these words to the Jews, because although a lot of them lived in Jesus' time, they didn't get it.  Their hearts were hard, and to admit that they needed God's grace would be to admit fault.  Sounds very familiar to me... And Paul said he was going to focus on the Gentiles, because they were ready to receive Christ.

I have to say, being in conflict with unbelievers might be one of the most difficult situations in life.  We can't avoid it (as you may have guessed, it is family) but we don't know how to solve it!  Thankfully, we serve a God that is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever even imagine.  I know that He can work through all things to accomplish His will.  This morning, I was reading in 2 Kings.  My study bible was discussing Elisha's miracles- and how some where great- but some were very, very small- like removing poison from a stew so that all could eat of it and not be sick.  The note on this subject said this:

"Elisha's mighty miracles showed that God controls not only great armies, but also events in everyday life.  When we listen to and obey God, he shows us his power to transform any situation.  God's care is for all who are willing to follow him.  He can perform miracles in our lives."
Life Application Study Bible NIV, p 603

Patrick and I are waiting for a miracle!  We know that the Lord can solve this problem and any problem, and we are hopeful that this conflict will lead these people to Christ and His forgiveness.

One other small thing that I noticed in my readings in Acts- has to do with conflict and how we can get so wrapped up in our own problems we lose sight of reality.  When Paul was being persecuted for following The Way, the Jews said "this is the man who is causing riots and stirring up trouble all over the world!"  All over the world??  They were in the Middle East and the Mediterranean!  Hardly the scope of the globe.  Obviously, I know they lacked the knowledge that we have now about our universe, but even they knew that the world extended beyond the Roman Empire.  But isn't that true?!  When we are upset, we tend to bring the world down to our own sphere, our own set of problems.  When we do that, we are unable to see that God is bigger than our problems, bigger than the world.  It was a good reminder to me to remember that my conflict is not world-wide, it is just happening right here.  My God is bigger than this, and able to handle this conflict and all of the other ones happening across the globe.  What a comfort.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and Patrick today -- keep your entries coming! :)
