Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sneaky little thing...

I am still reading in 1 Samuel- and Saul has lost favor with God, and his kingdom isn't going to be established.  It is going to go to David.  The language is so interesting as Saul attempts to kill David because of his jealousy.  He is constantly speaking of God- and God's blessings- and how God should bless so and so for their actions...  It is classic church-speak.  Yet, Saul is not following God's directions or plan.  How often do we say and do the "right' things, but not only is our heart not in it- it is running in the opposite direction!  I think we have to be so careful as Christians to not fall into false church speak.  It isn't authentic- and as Christians- we are only witnessing when we are authentic.  God uses our weaknesses to His glory- we shouldn't be afraid to confess where we are struggling- to other believers or non-believers.

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