Thursday, May 26, 2011


This weekend I was listening to a conflict that had developed during a bible study.  One member of the study was disgusted with the rest of the members because she felt like they were content to just read the Bible and not dig deeper.  The other members of the study were saying that it wasn't that they weren't content to dig deeper, it was more that they felt they didn't need to learn every aspect of every word of that particular scripture all at once.  That God reveals what God reveals during different readings of the same scripture.  In listening, I can't help but throw my hands up at believers and their inability to live in harmony with one another!  Myself included, it just seems like I am constantly looking for ways that other believers aren't doing it "right."  Or, if I am actually honest with myself- not doing it the way that I think it should be done.
I have finished the four gospels in my Read My Bible in a Year plan, and I was in the process of moving on to Acts.  Before Acts, my study bible (Life Application Study Bible NIV) gives an overall account of all four gospels.  Did you know that the only miracle all four gospels mention is the feeding of the 5000?  In fact, it isn't until you read all four gospels that you get the most accurate picture of who Jesus is and what His life was like on earth.  Not every gospel has a complete picture- and each author had a different focus on writing.  It isn't until you study all four that you see the harmony of the gospels and how they work together to paint the picture of Christ and His love.  God delights in our differences- in our unique perspectives- and has created a Bible that speaks to our individual needs when we need it.  I wish that we, as believers, could embrace our differences and realize that is the harmony that God desires in the church body.